About BroadHurst Point
Stepping Up To The Plate
This location was donated to ACT after the previous owner failed to be able to build a home here. Mr. Broadhurst contacted us looking to find a bonafide conservation group to accept it. After a few unsuccessful attempts he found us and offered to donate it providing that we agree to never develop it. We thought long and hard about accepting the responsibility associated with ownership so as a back up we contacted the Mass Fisheries and Wildlife to gauge their interest, and they were very interested.
However after a bit more thought about the fragility of site we decided that we would be the best stewards of the property because the State would have opened it up to motorboats and advertised it on the State website as a public launch area. This would have brought much heavier and impactful traffic, and coupled with their lack the resources to monitor the site irreparable harm would have occurred.
We are very happy that the public has embraced this singular offering in this town of so many inaccessible lakes and that we have been largely successful with the cooperation of its users, thank you. But as you can see it does cost us money for upkeep and we are dealing with erosion issues that we very much would like to address this year.
If you use this site we would be most appreciative of your donations. Even small donations of $5.00 per visit or on occasion would go a long way towards helping us to continue to offer this great place to the public.
If and when you can please scan the QR code to pitch in or send a check to:
ACT PO Box 354 Ashburnham, MA 01430
Please note that it is for Broadhurst Point. Thank you advance.
We will keep you updated on the stair and erosion repairs as they unfold.