CR - Conservation Restriction: A conservation restriction, formerly known as a conservation easement, is a means authorized by Sections 31-33 of Chapter 184 of the Genera l Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts1to limit the use of land in order to protect specified conservation valu es including the natural, scenic or open condition of the land.
DCR - The Department of Conservation and Recreation: DCR manages state parks and oversees more than 450,000 acres throughout Massachusetts. It protects, promotes, and enhances the state’s natural, cultural, and recreational resources. The health and happiness of people across Massachusetts depends on the accessibility and quality of our natural resources, recreational facilities, and great historic landscapes. DCR continues to improve the vital connection between people and the environment.
Chapter 61
DEP: MassDEP's mission is to protect and enhance the Commonwealth's natural resources - air, water, and land - to provide for the health, safety and welfare of its people. For more on MassDEP, visit their website.
Conservation Commission: a municipal environmental agency responsible for protecting the community's natural resources. To learn more about conservation commissions, visit the Conservation Commission Page.
Passive Recreation: low impact non-motorized outdoor recreational activities or uses that do not require developed facilities and can be accomplished without change to the area, topography, or resource. Activities include walking, hiking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing and observing nature.
Watershed: A watershed is an area of land that drains water to a common body of water. It is the land that the water flows across or under to get to the lowest point. Visit the About Your Watershed page for more information about watersheds and to see which watershed is yours.
CR - Conservation Restriction: A conservation restriction, formerly known as a conservation easement, is a means authorized by Sections 31-33 of Chapter 184 of the Genera l Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts1to limit the use of land in order to protect specified conservation valu es including the natural, scenic or open condition of the land.
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Terms and Definitions

Russell Hill Town Forest
Habitat Protection - Russell Hill
The Russell Hill Town Forest is comprised of 70 acres of prime woodland and an exceptional field. There is a short trail starting at the parking lot on Stagecoach Rd., off of Russell Hill Road.
Contact Ashburnham Conservation Trust
PO Box 354
Ashburnham, MA 01430

©2022 by Ashburnham Conservation Trust