Keep Ashburnham Beautiful
In 2022, the Keep Ashburnham Beautiful (KAB) committee became a subcommittee of the Ashburnham Conservation Trust (ACT).
KAB is a chapter of Keep Massachusetts Beautiful, and, as such, shares the following mission goals:
Litter Prevention & Cleanup: Understand who and what is causing litter and mobilize volunteer and government resources to clean it up and prevent future littering behavior.
Waste Reduction & Recycling: Reduce reliance on single-use plastics and other non-sustainable products.
Promote re-use and repair and effective recycling programs to reduce the volume of trash that ends up in landfills, incinerators, or as litter.
Beautification & Community Greening: Beautify public spaces through landscaping projects , tree plantings, pollinator-friendly plantings, and other infrastructure improvements.
Environmental Education: Educate people of all ages on ways they can change their behaviors to better protect our environment and inspire the next generation of environmental scientists, advocates, and leaders.
This merger will be mutually beneficial to donors to ACT and KAB because now all of your donations to KAB will be tax-deductible as allowable by law.